Haven't had too much time for painting lately but here's a quick update on the Khandish Cavalry I'm currently working on. These minis are also part of the big Lotr commission. The horses are basically finished and I won't be doing anything more with them. Now only the warriors and I will be closer to completing the whole commission. I'm particularly looking forward to working with the chariots - excellent details and very cool minis, especially the Khandish King. I should be ready with these by the end of next week and I will move on to work on the chariots. In the meanwhile I'll try to get the rest of my Bane Knights finished, but that's a different story.
The pics aren't great but it's already dark and I haven't had time to take pictures during the day. That's all for now and I'll leave you with a song from the title (anyone who's seen "Clerks 2" will probably crack a smile ;).
The horses look stunning...very well done! :)