Also, I've painted the first of the solos for my Cryx army - Pistol wraith.

I have nothing but respect for people from Privateer Press who design and create these awesome models. The sculpt is great and full of unique character. I didn't like this version initially but when I started working on it, I could really appreciate the quality of the model. The other version is also great. In fact, I'm expecting it to arrive any day now as I've made an order a couple of days ago.

I tried to make it look old and weathered. The bone elements were painted with a bit more contrastive highlights. I thought that it may make them look more ancient. I also try to keep a more or less unified color scheme for the army. So grey and silver were obvious choices for me here. I try to have some green elements on each of the minis from this army. I also thought that this would add a more ghostly and ethereal look to the mini.

So that it for this update. Now I will work on the first unit for the army. I'll probably start by painting a single model to check the color scheme. Anyway, expect an update soon.