Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Malifaux 2nd edition

Wyrd has announced through their newsletter that they'll be releasing the second edition of Malifaux this summer. The main chances will include:

  • Streamlined, Updated Ruleset.
    Clarified rules interactions and Model Actions.
  • Upgrade Your Models / Customize Your Crew.
    That's right, keep your favorite model fresh and competitive for years to come.
  • New Masters.
    From the current Henchmen getting promoted, to fresh faces like Tara, the Herald of Obliteration!
  • Gremlins a Faction?
    You bet!
  • Easier to Read Card Format.
    Every model updated to a new, easier to read format. No more searching through the books. The cards are standard sized as well, making them easy to sleeve for dry erasing.
  • Story Moves Forward.
    Find out what happens to your favorite characters, see the new alliances formed, and discover new Tyrants!
  • FAQ.
    For those of you who never got enough of the rules-love, we'll be moving to an FAQ system updated on a set schedule! No more searching the forums for rulings.

Now I'm really looking forward to this year's Gencon...

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Eye of the Storm

A cool nice video that has a nice steampunk feel to it. Enjoy !

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Thorin's company #7 Oin

Another dwarf that wears mainly dark colors. The codex version has more vivid browns so I used that paintjob as my reference.

His face and beard are pretty nicely sculpted and I really like the dynamic pose. Also, his clothes are slightly different than those of the other dwarves from Thorin's company. I particularly like his large hood as its edges go nicely with his cuffs.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Enslaved Nephilim

I like the concept behind this one. A representative of arch enemy, caught and mutilated and enslaved. Pretty useful in game too with an extra obey each round.

Painting him up was fun as he's much different than any other member of my Guild crew. I loosely followed the official paintjob. I chose to paint the loincloth using a more vivid green shade as he seemed a bit too dull so I used this color to liven up the palette.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Thorin's company #6 Bifur

Bifur was the wildest of all the dwarves in Thorin's company. This may be partly explained by the fact that he has the remains of an orc axe embedded in his forehead. As a result he's inarticulate  and he's also prone to sudden bursts of anger. His only means of communication are grunts and hand gestures. Still, it doesn't stop him from being a feisty warrior.
The miniature is quite dynamic and the way his hair is sculpted adds nicely to the chaotic character of this dwarf. Painting black hair is always a bit of a challenge and this wasn't an exception. Another trick was to choose different shades of brown for his clothes that would go well together and them outline the black lines on it.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Blue jeans

Painting Santiago and Santana simultaneously made sense to me as they cannot be in game at the same time (animosity rule). What's more, it gave me a chance to compare the painting experience as Santiago is an old metal cast and Santana is a plastic one.
I've read some comments concerning loss of detail on the new plastic range and while I can agree to some degree (areas like legs or the hat could have used more texture), I cannot say that it's not an issue with the metal minis as well. Santiago's duster is a good example. Also, while Santana's face is hard to get to in the first place, painting it is a bit tricky (not much texture there again). However, painting Santiago's face wasn't a walk in the park too. Placing highlights there was a bit tricky (and gluing the arm with Peacebringer before painting didn't help too ;) 

I used Reaper paints for painting the duster and jacket. I'm more and more convinced that these are the paints for me. I love the triad system - any color you want comes in three shades that complement one another nicely so working on highlights using these is fast and easy.
I haven't painted jeans before but I knew that I want these to stand out among the rest of my Guild minis so I decided to use slightly brighter colors (it also goes better with the Mexican feel of the Ortegas). I don't know if I'm going to stick with this color scheme for the rest of the crew (Nino, Francisco, Papa Loco,Perdita) as this may make them look too uniform. Some food for thought I guess.

I made their bases similar on purpose. The zombie is part of the original miniature but I added a R.I.P. tombstone to both to tie them to the graveyard theme I use for my guild.

And that's pretty much it for now. As far as progress on the Hobbit front is concerned, I haven't done anything more on the goblins but painted two more dwarves instead. Just a few finishing touches and they'll be ready. Pics coming soon!

Thursday, 4 April 2013

Second batch of gobbos on the way

I spent a major part of Easter and few evenings after it preparing these for painting and that's the effect.
The basing is done in the same way as with the previous batch. The only difference is that the rocks are lower this time round. It should work nicely when these are put next to the first group that is based on taller rocks.

And speaking of Easter - that's how it looked for me this year. 

What's even more surprising is that there's still plenty of snow, looks like spring may come later than expected this year.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Agram Arena Summer 2013

I'd like to pass on news from Wyrd forums where a buddy of mine Demonn Agram has recently posted an official announcement about Malifaux and WH 40K tournaments. Without further ado, here it is:

Dear friends!

It is time for another (11th annual) Agram Arena Summer Tournament!

We are in the second decade of organizing Arena events and this year's Agram Arena Summer is going to be held over two weekends:

13-14th of July 2013 Malifaux International tournament + Demo Games / Open play (Infinity and LOTR SBG on Saturday 13th; Flames of War and Warmachine on Sunday 14th)

20-21th of July 2013 - 40K International tournament + Black Queen International painting competition

Location: MS "Cvjetni trg", Miskecov prolaz 3, Zagreb, Croatia.

Entry: FREE!

Refreshing drinks for all players will be free during the tournaments.

Accommodation for Saturday night is also free for the 1st-time-comers (read more in the rules)!

Lunch is available at the price of 75 Kn (around 10 Euro) for both days (= 5 Euro/day)!

Check out the tournament rules & other info:

Combo rules (40K, BQ & Malifaux)
with background: http://www.ums-agram.hr/app/webroot/...ti/AAS2013.pdf

w/o background (printer friendly): http://www.ums-agram.hr/app/webroot/...2013_print.pdf 
Official languages of the tournament will be English and Croatian!

40K - from 1st of June to 15th of July
Black Queen: from 18th of June to 15th of July (not neccessary - see the rulespack)
Malifaux - from 1st of June to 7th of July
Demo Games / Open Play - from 7th of July to 12th of July
(you can find guidelines on registration in the rules (check out the above link))!

If you need any other information please contact us at ums.agram@gmail.com or GSM +385 91 7620584
or me here through PM!

Start your summer holidays in one of World's favourite tourist destination - Croatia, by participating in free International tournament!


In the end a couple of photos of our last Year's Malifaux event:


the heat is on:

relaxing with a couple of beers after day 1

day 2:

(yes, we even get girls at our events :smile: )

Best Painted Crew competition:



some entries from our Black Queen Miniature Painting Competition:

Monday, 1 April 2013

Grandma with a gun

Not the type of granny you'd like to mess with. Abuela is another sculpt from the range that I really like. Her face is particularly well sculpted with a gaze full of confidence malice.

Painting her was overall a nice experience but I needed to pay a lot of attention to flat surfaces while highlighting. I tend to keep the colors dark while I paint but I wanted to try some more vivid shades here to go well with what I think is a reference to Santa Muerte cult. So basically this is bright and vivid in my painting style.

Her face is the key element as it conveys all the emotions so I made sure to add a few well placed highlights there to make sure her facial expression is clearly visible. I'm pretty happy with how her skin tone tujrned out as I used only two paints and one wash there (VGC Heavy Skintone, P3 Ryn Flesh and Army painter Soft Tone).

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