Saturday, 30 April 2011

Strong arm of the law

It's time to publish something juicy after my month long absence here :D I've finally finished second Land Raider with which I've been dealing for some time. The longer I've painted the more annoying it became. Fortunately it's gone now :) Also I've made some progress on next Rhino. Thank God for the airbrush, it makes painting those monsters a lot easier.

Also I've tried some different approach on battle damage, you can compare it with previous one. Still I've been holding back on "destroying" those poor suckers :D

Now I'm moving back to Lotr stuff for long, long time. Next on the agenda Warriors of Minas Tirith and Army of Dead.

And music that suits those babies very well. Saxon- Strong arm of the law, because come on... how else Ultramarines can execute law :)

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Back in Mordor (II)

I've made some progress on the orcs. They were primed with Chaos Black spray. I then painted over the recesses where the base coat didn't catch well. Once I had a solid layer of black, I lightly sprayed brown over it. It helped in bringing out the details and it should making painting a bit faster since some paints (e.g. red) don't work well on a purely black basecoat.

The bases should look like a scorched Mordor battleground once they're finished. I used two different types of basing grit and some sand to create what is supposed to look like random rubble. I will add scorched grass in the final stage as it tends to get flattened by varnish applied in spray.
Painting a larger number of similar miniatures can be a bit tiresome as it seems that the progress is virtually non existent. Still, even doing a little on several models in one painting session is a step ahead. Now, onto the armors and clothes...

Monday, 25 April 2011

Back in Mordor (I)

I've started working on a batch of Lotr minis again. Once again, I have a chance to work on Mordor orcs. I don't like these models too much - some of the sculpts are very crude and it's really hard to say where does one element end and another begin.

The level of detail varies too. Some parts look great and really Mordor-like, some are just too clumsy. Still, they overall have a random and worn look to them, which one would normally associate with these guys.

I've put together 24 plastic models. I added small chances to them (head and weapon swaps/putting the same sculpts on slightly different bases, etc.). Additionally, minis that have the same poses will be painted using slightly different colors, while still maintaining the army dark color scheme.

I've also prepared some metal orcs (leaders/special models) to go with them but I'll probably start painting them once I've dealt with the plastic ones.
The pics aren't good as it's already dark here and I'm using artificial light. Besides, there isn't really much to look at at the moment. I plan to get them primed tomorrow and start with the bases. More pictures coming soon so stay tuned.

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Happy Easter

We just wanted to wish you all happy Easter. May this be an enjoyable time spent with family and friends as well as an opportunity to relax and recharge batteries.
Viruk & Haldir

Monday, 18 April 2011

Lord Exhumator Scaverous

I'm lost for words so just to keep it short, here's the pic of Lord Exhumator Scaverous in his full undead glory:

A few more words from his description:
A specialist in the acquisition of lore from the dead, Lord Exhumator Scaverous is one of the most potent and intelligent servants of the Nightmare Empire. Souls are both ammunition and fuel for Scaverous. Those he slays and casts aside are fortunate compared to any possessed of special lore, whose skulls and souls he preserves for horrific necromantic interrogation.
Make sure to check out the PP website for a 3D view.

I love the sculpt, great that PP released an entirely new model that does not bear striking resemblance to any other Cryxian casters/jacks.

Thursday, 14 April 2011

New Bane Thralls

At this point I'm glad I started with buying Bane Knights as Privateer Press has just revealed the version of these minis. My guess is that they're plastic. Should look great on the battlefield, especially with the unit attachment.
I'll probably get them sooner or later. Anyway, here's a pic.

More (including a 3D rotation view) can be found here.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Leader of the rats

Sometimes I'm able to quickly find a suitable song to match the mini/minis presented here. The one below is a good example, so let me start by putting it here:

I painted this model a while ago.
I bought it along with some hobby supplies just to paint something from WFB mini range. The model itself is quite nice. I really liked the idea of a Skaven hero squatting on an old ruined column.
The painting took about two evenings. I tried to avoid using only drybrush on the base and gave the column several glazes of brown washes and a green one.
Tretch Craventail is a here from the Skaven army whose speciality is assassination and disappearing. I think that the choice of weapons and small bits like the skull or dwarven hair are great additions to this model. They seem to add him a lot of character. Not to mention a skull and a small rat on the base, which are also pretty cool.
I enjoyed painting this mini, it was a nice break from WM/Lotr minis I've been working on recently and a good opportunity to practice using dry pigments to achieve realistic rust effects. I think I'll put this one on ebay soon, will post a not here when I do that.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Pistol Grip Pump

I'm currently waiting for a batch of minis I ordered a while ago at Maelstrom games (a Skarlock, new jack and some minis from a new skirmish system that I want to get into - more on that soon ;).I should get them somewhere around next week. Until then, I'm idle as far as hobby is concerned. No commissions and no backlog - feels a bit weird. Still, I haven't posted any pictures of the second Pistol Wraith.
I love the idea of dead gunslingers who roam the battlefield. They aren't powerful but combined with Denny's debuffs and the ability to ignore obstacles in their way can make them annoying.
I've already painted the second version of Pistol Wraith and wanted to use a different color scheme on this one. I wasn't happy at all with the cloak (which in fact constitutes most of the mini) until I've highlighted the edges using much brighter colors. It's definitely not my best work but still I guess it looks OK.

I wasn't able to find a song that would suit the character of the model but so this one will have to do.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Winter is Coming (4)

I've thoroughly enjoyed painting these minis. As I wrote in the previous posts, the quality of the sculpts is absolutely amazing.

Since I'm also enjoying reading the book, here's some background info on these two. They are members of the Night's Watch, which means that they are permanently stationed in a fortress that oversees the northern border of the kingdom. It's an 'edge-of-the-world kind of place. The Watch consists of criminals and exiles who swear fealty to the Crown. Desertion or misconduct is punished by death.The harsh climate combined with rigorous, rough training makes this a sink or swim situation for the young members of the Watch.

I used very dark palette on this minis as I tried to stay true to the book in which these guys were often referred to as "black brothers".
Jon Snow (the mini of the younger one) is one of the youngest people there. The other guy doesn't play an important part in the story (at least so far). He's probably some kind of background character. Still, the miniature is pretty cool.

Overall I'm quite pleased with how they turned out, I'm particularly satisfied with the face of the Raven keeper. I used a few very thin washes of flesh paint (a fairly bright shade) mixed with Vallejo model color neutral grey to create the stubble.
Now I plan to paint one WFB mini (haven't painted anything from this range for a looong while). I chose one of the new Skaven characters but that will be shown in another post.
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