Monday 25 April 2011

Back in Mordor (I)

I've started working on a batch of Lotr minis again. Once again, I have a chance to work on Mordor orcs. I don't like these models too much - some of the sculpts are very crude and it's really hard to say where does one element end and another begin.

The level of detail varies too. Some parts look great and really Mordor-like, some are just too clumsy. Still, they overall have a random and worn look to them, which one would normally associate with these guys.

I've put together 24 plastic models. I added small chances to them (head and weapon swaps/putting the same sculpts on slightly different bases, etc.). Additionally, minis that have the same poses will be painted using slightly different colors, while still maintaining the army dark color scheme.

I've also prepared some metal orcs (leaders/special models) to go with them but I'll probably start painting them once I've dealt with the plastic ones.
The pics aren't good as it's already dark here and I'm using artificial light. Besides, there isn't really much to look at at the moment. I plan to get them primed tomorrow and start with the bases. More pictures coming soon so stay tuned.


  1. I agree! Some of the Mordor orcs looked as if they were straight from the film whereas some looked like generic fantasy world orcs. I'm glad to see how you were able to fix that through conversion and the results are great!

  2. I feel that they could do a lot more with their variety of Orcs. In the films there is endless combinations and styles to them. I feel they should make another pack of Mordor Orcs with different models, but the same stats as the original Mordor Orcs.

    However you managed to do a good job modifying these models so that they make look more diverse.


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