Saturday, 26 June 2010

Moving out

Well, after five years years of studying and living in Kraków (very nice city in the southern part of Poland) I'm moving back to my home town. I figured I'd take this opportunity to show my workspace. I didn't have too much space here so I needed to keep everything well organised. That's why I made these shelves for paints. The allowed me to use the space available well and also made everything more convenient as I had easy access to everything. I'll need to think about something similar in my new place.

Also, I've painted the first of the solos for my Cryx army - Pistol wraith.

I have nothing but respect for people from Privateer Press who design and create these awesome models. The sculpt is great and full of unique character. I didn't like this version initially but when I started working on it, I could really appreciate the quality of the model. The other version is also great. In fact, I'm expecting it to arrive any day now as I've made an order a couple of days ago.

I tried to make it look old and weathered. The bone elements were painted with a bit more contrastive highlights. I thought that it may make them look more ancient. I also try to keep a more or less unified color scheme for the army. So grey and silver were obvious choices for me here. I try to have some green elements on each of the minis from this army. I also thought that this would add a more ghostly and ethereal look to the mini.

So that it for this update. Now I will work on the first unit for the army. I'll probably start by painting a single model to check the color scheme. Anyway, expect an update soon.



  1. This guy looks Awesome! I especially like the green flame.
    Well done.

  2. Thank for the comment. I used the same technique that I normally use while painting flame (i.e. going from the brightest to darkest colors). I guess it worked out not too bad in the end :)

  3. Great job, awesome coat, Think I've going to have do something similar on my my Pistol Wraith.

  4. Stunning job Viruk, stunning job!
    Love the dark colors used on him and the bright green hair really sets him off perfectly! :)

  5. Excelent job on the pistol wraith. The colour pallete you used makes it look very dark and menacing and the bright green flame provides a nice contrast. I've been tempted to start a Cryx army lately and seing this wraith tempts me even more. Will I succumb to the temptations? Time will tell...

  6. I know the feeling all too well ;) WARMACHINE is a very cool, fast paced and dynamic game and the minis are great too. They also offer a nice alternative to GW stuff. I'm not recommending giving up on GW entirely, it's just that more variety is always good in this case ;)


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