Saturday, 7 November 2020

Long-overdue update

It's been almost three months since my previous post. It doesn't mean that I haven't painted anything during that time. On the contrary, these last three months have been pretty good hobby-wise, but let's start from the beginning. 

August and part of September were a bit challenging due to lat renovation. We initially wanted only to repaint the walls but ended up doing much more. I used this opportunity to prepare a new hobby corner. One of the main goals was to make sure both of my daughters have their own room, which meant that I had to move my workspace to bedroom. I wanted to have plenty of storage options so I chose modular workspace from I also bought desk with adjustable height from @easydesk_biurka_gamingowe Solid and heavy with some additional options (such as led lighting or media port). Now that I work from home most of the time I wanted to have plenty of space to combine work section with hobby part. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the result as it uses the space to the fullest, combining high functionality with very good quality of all the elements. Below you can see the space before renovation and pictures "after".

I also finally played some games of third edition of Malifaux and even took part in two tournaments. My results were rather poor but I did enjoy several games I played. M3E does eel much faster and more streamlined and the keyword system means that I got to use miniatures I had painted for years but never used them beore (such as Gorar, Adze). I played a ew games with Eurypides, Titania, but in the end settled or Zoraida as my main master - still the aesthetics appeal the most to me and the way this crew plays is fun too.

And as for painting - more pictures can be found on my Instagram account here but below you can see an overview.

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