Sunday, 13 February 2011


Lately during my exam session I took some time to finish one of many minis from my backlog, as usual. My choice was Remastered figure of Arwen (foot version), that has been on my shelf for almost 1,5 year. I decided to do purple scheme, since I just love those GW purples. Another thing I decided to go with on this one was some extreme highlights up to pure white. That forced me to do whole sword twice since first approach on it looked a bit awkward (more natural looks with more gray on it didn't quite fit rest of mini style). Anyway, here's the complete set of pics and link on CMoN.

And as for the music corner, I have no other choice than use Howard Shore composition:


  1. OMG, that has to be the best Arwen I've seen!!

  2. Maybe not the best, but I'm still quite found of her. Thanks for the appreciation ;)


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