Friday, 17 June 2011

Back in Mordor (X)

I'm still working on the Morannon orcs but I thought I'd show some pics of the orcs that I've painted recently in action. All photos courtesy of Mr R. from the Land Down Under ;)

That's it for the time being. Now, after a few very busy days I can only say one thing - long live the weekend!


  1. It's very nice. More photos!! :)

  2. Really, really awesome stuff!

  3. Great work! Your painting skills are always on top and with this lovely terrain in background...awesome!

  4. Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. There will be more pics once I've painted more minis. Check back for updates but I'm pretty sure more will follow in July ;)

  5. I find this on ebay.

  6. It's most probably the one you see in the pics (I'm not the owner so I cannot be 100% sure). Anyway, Monolith Icon is a great store and I highly recommend it

  7. Yep right on the money that's the gaming table I have, though my experience with Monolith Icon is 180 degrees to Viruk unfortunately. The Osgiliath Ruins dragged out to around 13 weeks instead of 4-6 due to the team (which is really only one guy) attempting to take short cuts to get the job done quick, as well as doing his own thing without consultation. I caught him out many times doing so and 13wks later this is the result - not too bad, but not all the pieces fit on the board as advertised as he's made either the pieces too large or table too small, amongst many other errors.

    Live and learn I guess, but I couldn't for the life of me recommend MI to any sane human least for the larger commission jobs. I've also noticed he's removed this table from his site since then too and wonder if it has anything to do with this last one he made...

    On the plus side, I'm real privileged to have Viruk/Haldir paint this project for me. Amazing work and great guys too. This is what A+ service should be like!


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