Monday, 3 September 2012


Here's another Neverborn beast. One of my favorite sculpts in the range. The moment I saw him, I knew that sooner or later I was going to buy and paint it.

I struggled a little with the fur. Normally while working on minis that have fur elements I tend to use drybrushing. I didn't work well here as the contrasts were too big and it looked as if it was randomly touched by a brush with bright color over the dark one. I repainted it, this time starting from a bright color (mix of GW Dheneb Stone and Reaper Khaki Shadow). This was only lightly drybrushed with Dheneb Stone. From that moment on I worked on making the fur look darker. I did that by applying several washes of AP Soft Tone (watered down) and Strong Tone in the recesses. I was tempted to paint "FREE HUGS" (read this idea somewhere on the Wyrd forums) but ended up painting a simplified tartan pattern.

After that it was just a matter of painting its lovely happy face. I used much brighter green for the eyes. I know that this color doesn't fit the rest of the colors too well but I thought that an element of contrast here would make the Teddy look a bit crazier.
To finish things off, I wanted to add the blood effect. That was when Arlaharen's great article came in handy (check it out here). I added blood after varnishing the mini to male sure it looked fresh. Working with P3 inks using this method allowed me to get the effect I liked - realistic and gory.

The only thing I don't like that much about Teddy is that he's quite flat when you look at it from the side. Other than that it's a fantastic, evil and twisted mini.

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