Thursday, 9 May 2013

Mr Bad Luck

These two words describe him pretty well as far as him in-game use is concerned. He's just bad luck for opponents to have around.
The mini is nicely designed but I thought he felt somehow empty on his own. I added a small girl from Hasslefree Miniatures and painted her using bright, vivid colors. She provided a colorful counterpoint to dark Mr Tannen.
As a result I created a small "diorama" featuring an old creepy guy luring a small girl with a knuckle roll with clearly nasty intentions. And that's pretty much how I'd imagine events unrolling if the situation was to really take place in the world of Malifaux.

1 comment:

  1. Addition of the little girl makes Mr Tannen much much creepier. Excellent idea and execution. :)


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