Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Best Painted Crew award

Picked up this one from the post office after work today. It's an award for best painted crew I won during this year's Malifaux tournament run by UMS Agram in Croatia. Technically, I wasn't there but a buddy of mine was playing using a Dreamer crew I painted a while ago and sold to him. He was kind enough (cheers Marko!) to put it up for Best Painted Crew award (players' choice).

The plaque is absolutely amazing, I love the professional look. At the moment it's proudly standing on my desk but I may end up hanging it on the wall in the future.

Once again, many thanks to UMS Agram, and to Marko, its president,  in particular. This means a lot to me. You guys are awesome!


  1. Glad it arrived safely.
    I love the reflection of the brushes on the plaque. so befitting!

    and congrats again for the win

  2. W końcu znalazłem wiaderko internetu, żeby tu zajrzeć i jestem bardzo mile zaskoczony. Nazgule i Transporter z Warhammera najbardziej mi się spodobały. Jest Pan świetny :D Post Scriptum Dobra muzyka.

  3. Dzięki za miły komentarz Michale (zarówno ten dotyczący mojej twórczości jak i muzyki którą dobieram :)


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