Wednesday, 17 September 2014

My six weeks with Ten Thunders - a summary

My Ten Thunders painting project started in August. In total I painted 18 miniatures during the last 6 weeks. Not a bad result I think.
Working with bright, vivid shades was definitely a great experience. If you look at my earlier works you'll immediately notice that I tend to favor rather dark colors. This project enabled me to stretch my painting skills and get out of my comfort zone in order to do something different. Finding a balance between those bright color schemes and a darker painting style that comes to me naturally was a big challenge but it most definitely was a great experience. In the pic below you can see the whole batch (the Neverborn and Mccabe's crew seen at the back were not part of this project).

For once my glass cabinet was filled with bright colors
Here are links to previous Ten Thunders - related blog entries (in the order they were painted):
The Torakage
Ten Thunders Archers
Low River Monks
Dawn Serpents
Mistress Misaki and Shang


  1. Great work on all the Ten Thunders! They are really tricky to paint, I got pissed of after breaking almost finished Torakage and shoved them in the drawer... Awesome to see them painted so well and displayed together in your cabinet :)

    1. Thanks Adam. Yeah, I agree - these minis are flimsy and can be really challenging to work with. But they're also a lot of fun to work with :)


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