Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Malifaux Polish Nationals

Last weekend I took part in the first ever Polish Malifaux nationals. There were 46 players, mostly from Poland, but we had guests from the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Hungary, and the UK. The organization was top-notch as there were no delays, things run smoothly and the TO was doing a great job keeping everything in order. Sadly, I didn't get to play any of the foreign players but I did manage to have a nice chat with the Dutch guys after day one.

46 people playing Malifaux simultaneously in one place - best turnout in Poland so far

As far as my performance is concerned, I did poorly. I placed 38th with two wins and 4 loses. I scored a total of 32 VP and had a diff of -14. I didn't really expect much as the two weeks prior to the tourney were really hard for me as I was at home with ill daughter. Not sleeping well for a prolonged period of time does funny things to your brain.. Also, I didn't get a wink of sleep the night before the event. Anyway, these are just poor excuses and  I mostly played badly, being too aggressive in the early stage of my games and making many bad decisions. I did enjoy playing six games in two days though. I used Zoraida and Titania as my masters, winning a game with each.

My loot from the tourney
Each participant got a swag bag with lots of goodies inside. There was a nice MDF wagon on a 50mm base (perfect for everyone's favorite new strategy), elegant 6 inch ruler, cards with strategies, and... a custom made fate deck. This one was a really nice touch as it combines Malifaux symbols with a bit of local flavor. Each participant also took part in a raffle and I got Vintage Sonnia.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd places and... best painted (pic. by David Brown)
As I've written, my performance was poor but I did manage to win best painted army trophy with my Titania crew. I was really happy with it as I did burn the midnight oil on more than one night while working on the models and display base. The competition was strong too. Apart from a very nice glass cup I won translucent Nightmare Colette crew.

The crew that won me best painted trophy


  1. Good to know you were having great time in Poland :)
    Where exactly was the tourney? Warsaw?

    I've always wanted to give Malifaux a go...

    1. The tourney took place in Kraków. There are solid Malifaux gaming groups in Warsaw, Kraków, Bydgoszcz, Katowice - theso off the top of my head but there should be more. Check out Polish group on FB "Pogaduchy o Malifaux". I cannot recommend the game (and minis) enough

    2. Probably will.
      Those drowned zombies are so sweet...

      Too bad there are no metal models.

    3. There are still some on ebay

  2. Zasłużone zwycięstwo, jeśli chodzi o pomalowane figurki. A tak w ogóle to życzę Ci lepszych warunków życiowych do grania.

    1. Dzięki :) Życie nie rozpieszcza z czasem na hobby, tak więc mam pozytywne nastawienie do zbierania oklepów na turniejach i po prostu cieszę się możliwością grania w tę grę.

    2. Kurde, nie wiedziałem że jesteś z Polski :D :D :D

  3. Would've loved to play a game with you as well (not with the vodka though)! Grats on the best painted; more than earned! I really liked the chat, and tips on my Hoffman crew. Next up I am considering trying to paint a Collodi crew to a high(er) standard!

    Greetings from Holland.

    1. In that case it would have to be a beer match :) I'll make sure to notify the TO to put us against each other in first game next time round. Cheers mate, all the best to you and your family.


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