Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Miss Terious

Took some quick pictures of Miss Terious this morning. A really nice mini and I'm glad it's a part of my Guild force now. I'm a big fan of Death Marshals (I dig their fluff and like using them in game) so I knew I was going to get her once I saw the first artwork.
I wanted to paint her in a similar way to the rest of my Death Marshals, meaning that instead of the western look from the artwork, I would be going for an almost-undead one.
This mini is actually made of 11 parts. I was surprised that I needed no GS at all while putting her together as each part fits very well. I only needed to remove a few mold lines but that's nothing unusual while working with plastics.
I've got two of them since I placed two separate orders during Gencon. I'll probably put one of them on ebay, it would be interesting to see how much people would be willing to pay for it. Anyway, here are the pictures:

And here's Miss T among other professionals.

And a shot of me taking these pictures ;)


  1. You look like a criminal. Keep up the good burgling!

  2. I so do hope that's your neighbors windowsill.

  3. It's actually a language school where I work in the evenings. I live next door :)


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