Saturday 25 January 2014

Back to black

I painted up two more Malifaux minis. First off - Guild's Brutal Effigy. I like the sculpt as it is a nice parody of Death Marshal. It's wearing long black duster, wide-brimmed hat, a small coffin, and it's even got its own Pacifier. It's also got a few more limbs - guess Zoraida was feeling generous while working on this one. 

I painted Effigy in a similar way I did my Guild Marshals. There are some obvious differences like the use of different shades of gold and red bandanna. They eyes aren't particularly well placed on its face and look unnatural but I don't think it's a problem as it's not a human being so I simply painted them using orange and yellow. I also added green to the lantern to add a bit more color variety.

After that I painted McCabe's totem - Luna. The minis is really well sculpted with the muscles showing and a very well-built body. Not much to say about the painting here as I simply painted her black (making sure the scars are visible) with red eyes and some metallics for the chain hanging from the collar. Quick, simple and effective (at least I think so) paintjob but I had a lot of fun working on her nonetheless.

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